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Equality | Article 23

Immagine del redattore: kchiarakchiara

Equality is underrated: the importance of everything it involves - like gender, sex and skin color, love and ethnicity - is often ignored or taken for granted. The fact of putting everyone on the same level means a lot to me, especially when it influences people’s everyday life.

Our history is characterised by inequality: women in particular have always been affected by rules and traditions which contrained them, which didn’t allow them to be themselves and to achieve their dreams or their objectives.

During our last lesson we worked on The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU. In particular, my classmate Noel and I decided to pay attention to the 23rd article, which is about equality between men and women.

This article says that “Equality between women and men must be ensured in all areas, including employment, work and pay. The principle of equality shall not prevent the maintenance or adoption of measures providing for specific advantages in favour of the under-represented sex”.

In my opinion, society can benefit from the collaboration of men and women in any area only if they are both on the same level. Furthermore, I believe that each sex has to be helped and supported in difficult situations. Men and women must have the same rights, opportunities and responsibilities in all areas: for example, the leader of an important industry can be either a woman or a man; or, a woman can not be underpayed; moreover, a man can be interested in any kind of activity that is socially labelled as a ‘women activity’ and viceversa.

Everyone is equal.

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