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Finding ourselves in Europe

Immagine del redattore: Ida Ida

Last time we had the great chance to talk about Europe in a special way ! Philosophy, Literature, Psychology... who would think that these subjects could be related to the history of Europe ? I could not imagine that the roots of our present date back to such a remote time. Thanks to the precious help of a wise Professor and to the presence of my teachers and schoolmates around me, I felt embraced by a new atmosphere. I suddenly realised that I was going deeper not only in searching for the meaning of being an european citizen but also in finding the signifying of being a human . Freud, Dante, Kant are men whose knoledge can help us to understand some important problems that we fight against nowadays, some of our fears, some hopes and feelings. Religion, tradition, art, poetry, music, all those things create culture and culture is what human beings bring with themselves to build a family, a Country, a community. I found out that what we call Europe is something we gave birth to only few years ago, but  we started to imagine and create it long long time ago, more than 2000 years now. Being together and trying to be unified is something that belong to our nature before than our reason or thought. I can find a part of myself and a part of everyone just looking behind my shoulders: past is our best teacher.

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